Don’t get left behind!

Begin your journey today!

How to join our tribe

  • Step 1: Introductions!

    We want to know who you are - tell us a little about yourself! Please fill out this short introductory form so we know how to contact you.

  • Step 2: Invitations!

    If ‘Rooted’ feels like the right tribe for you, we want to meet you! Please fill out a formal application. Afterward, you and your family may be asked to join us for a collaborative interview, in-person visit, and invitation to officially enroll with us!

  • Step 3: Investigate!

    We want to make sure you understand our culture! While we review your application, please pop over to “Our Favs” and begin your research to fully understand what a our learning environment looks like… and don’t forget most books are available on audio so you can listen in the car on your way to work or even better, with your kids.