Incorporated Therapies

The root word of “therapy” in Greek is “therapeia”, which relates to curing and healing accomplished through service rendered by one to another. At Rooted, we believe this can be accomplished in not just a clinical setting, but even better through combining nature and animals as well. Our vision is to integrate these proven therapy techniques into our educational environment in a way that feels natural and fun for the children, not a chore to be dreaded. Experiencing therapy in this type of setting will benefit their neurological, social, emotional, and even physical health.


Animal Therapy

We envision a village where children not only learn to respect the amazing world God created for us, but also the animals he told us to care for. As we look for our permanent location, we are purposeful in making sure we will have room to include animals! Interacting with animals helps children can overcome fears, instill confidence, reduce anxiety, and fosters a sense of responsibility. Some of the animals we are looking to add to our village include chickens, bunnies, goats, sheep, and pygmy zebu. Eventually, we aspire to have horses and offer equine therapy as well. Check back often for more updates!

Interactive Metronome

Interactive Metronome® is an evidence-based assessment and training tool that works like a video game. Much research has shown its ability to improve cognition and attention, focus and memory, speech and language, executive functioning, comprehension, as well as motor and sensory skills. Training is overseen by a certified professional and can be performed in both a clinical setting and in the comfort of your own home. Those with ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, and more have benefited from the use of IM. The best part is that children really enjoy playing the brain training games and it is often viewed as a reward or treat to use! For more info, we invite you to visit

Interactive Metronome is offered currently on Fridays, with the intention of integrating the program into our daily routine.

Mindfulness Therapies

Teaching a child how to recenter and handle overwhelming thoughts and feelings develops their emotional maturity and self-regulation - important yet lost lifelong skills. Our goal is to train children how to regain control and instill confidence that they can endure and overcome difficulties in life through reflective therapy models like meditation, prayer, yoga, forest bathing, and more. Once these skills are introduced to children, they recognize the inner calm and peace they feel when they practice them and in turn, begin to recognize when they want (and more importantly - need) to tap into them - much like this child decided to do whilst on a nature walk. We are currently looking for partners in our community to help us bring these important skills to our program!


Sound Therapy

The BAST method of sound therapy combines specific and carefully considered therapeutic sound techniques which have been shown to affect physiology, neurology, and psychology with a form of reflective inquiry. The instruments are used (Himalayan and crystal singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks) to assist individuals in processing "The “5 R’s” of The Cooper Sax Model of Experiential Processing: Resonance, Resistance, Responsibility, Reflection, and Release. For more information, we invite you to check out

Art Therapy

Here at ‘Rooted’, we want children to appreciate the arts and feel free to express themselves through art. Excitingly, art can also be used as a form of therapy to “improve cognitive and sensory-motor functions, foster self-esteem, and self-awareness cultivate emotional resilience, promote insight, enhance social skills, reduce and resolve conflicts and distress, and advance societal and ecological change”, according to the American Art Therapy Art Therapy Association. We are on the hunt for a certified art therapist in our community to collaborate with. If you know of someone please let us know! For more information, please check out


Photobiomodulation Therapy (Low Level Light Laser)

Our light therapy, provided by our partners at beytOMR, targets pain, neurological disorders, and pathogen issues. Extensive documentation proves the ability to reverse central nervous system disorders, pain relief from all types of inflammatory diseases, and provides a general calming nature to individuals experiencing anxiety. beytOMR visits our campus each week on Fridays to provide light therapy to families. Participation is not required.