We don’t teach…

We guide.

Our Tribe

At Rooted, we call our teachers Guides, because their sole purpose is to gently guide our village of students toward critical thinking rather than teach at our students all day. Our Guides help our students discover how to learn so that they may follow their natural curiosity wherever it may lead them and discover new truths along the way. Our Guides also help our students develop strong character traits like dignity, patience, endurance, and harmony which are key components to their physical, social, emotional, and mental development. This type of approach hands over traditional “teacher” responsibilities to the students and allows the Guides to truly follow their educational passion of encouraging students to reach their full potential through discovery!

  • "Tia"


    Iricle Anderson is an ERAFANS certified nature-based educator and current student of Augusta University. She is passionate about the whole-child approach, and loves learning and incorporating techniques such as yoga, breathing, mindfulness, grounding, and “sit spots” to help foster balance and promote wellness. Her passions include photography, reading, organizing/decorating, antiques, and old houses.

  • "Ya Ya""


    Caroline Wells is a graduate of Georgia Southern University and a certified nature-based educator through ERAFANS. Living over 30 years in the CSRA has provided her with many connections throughout the community. She thrives off off connecting with children through play-based teaching and lending a hand to others in need. Her passions include walking, cooking and nutrition, the beach, and spending time with her family in Montreat.

  • "Madie Moon"

    Apprentice Guide

    Madie Snyder is an Augusta native and former psychology student of Georgie State University. She has experience working with children while attending GSU and is excited to begin her nature teaching certification through Rooted’s partner ERAFANS. She has a passion for teaching nature therapies such as grounding. Her hobbies include cooking and connecting with nature through hiking and camping.

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